This is the first blog posting on my website. My goal is to write a blog posting a week. Sometimes, I’ll try and post something about my artwork, or my process; other times, I may post some fiction writing, possibly even a writing prompt, sometimes it may just be my opinion. The main goal is for you, (the reader), to get to know me as an artist. I’m mostly a visual artist, but I also really enjoy writing, which is something I have not been doing a lot of lately. Hopefully, this blog will help me remedy that somewhat. I don’t know how this blog will evolve yet, I’m curious to see how it goes.
In My Studio…
Today, I’m sitting in my studio, on a really boring Zoom meeting, being grateful that I have such a beautiful well lit space to come hide out during the pandemic. I’m really lucky to have this space at this time. I moved in here a couple weeks ago. My old space was nice to, but it was dark and had no windows. I liked it because I had great neighbors, when the opportunity for this place came up I jumped on it. It’s fully private, which makes my life much easier, it’s quiet, sunny, secluded and I don’t have to worry about anyone walking by and sneezing, (my old place had only three quarter walls).
It’s interesting how much a space can really change your perspective on things. I find since I’ve been here that painting has been more enjoyable and I actually get more work done. I read somewhere that sunlight makes one twenty percent more productive. I don’t know if that’s true, (honestly, sometimes it gets so warm in there that I feel like falling asleep), but I’m choosing to believe it. It will improve my work in one frustrating way; all of my mistakes are now clearly visible no escape from one’s errors. Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing for someone like me who tends to be hard on himself and aims for perfection. I guess I’ll have to keep reminding myself not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. It’s all a process. I look back on the work I’m doing now versus the stuff I was producing even a year ago and I have noticed improvement. Well, that’s it for now. I need to get back to work.